How to Migrate Your Online Printing Shop to Shopify: A Complete Checklist

How to Migrate Your Printing Shop to Shopify

Moving your printing business online can be a big step, but Shopify makes it much easier with its user-friendly platform and robust eCommerce tools. More and more printing shops are choosing Shopify because it offers everything from scalable features to easy customization, perfect for small shops and larger operations. Still, the process needs careful planning to ensure a smooth transition.

Let’s walk through a complete checklist of website migration to Shopify to ensure everything transfers over seamlessly.

Planning Your Migration

Why Migrate to Shopify?

Ecommerce migration to Shopify opens the door to several advantages. Shopify’s customizable product options allow you to easily manage different print types, sizes, and finishes. Inventory management becomes a breeze with real-time tracking and updates. Payment gateways are pre-integrated, so accepting payments is hassle-free. Plus, Shopify is designed to work well on mobile, which is a big win, with more customers shopping from their phones.

On the SEO side, Shopify offers built-in tools like meta tag editors and URL redirects. Its fast, secure hosting keeps your site loading quickly—something search engines love.

Website Migration SEO Checklist

Before you start moving things over, it’s crucial to back up everything from your existing website. This includes all your images, content, and customer data. Most platforms have built-in tools to export these files, but it’s always smart to double-check that nothing gets missed.

Next, run an audit of your current site. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console will give you insight into your traffic and page performance, which will be key to preserving rankings post-migration. 

Identify which pages drive the most traffic or sales so you can prioritize them during the transition.

Pre-Launch Checklist

Choosing the Right Shopify Plan

Shopify offers several pricing tiers, from Basic to Advanced, each with its own features. For printing shops, consider your needs: if you offer many product variations or handle high-volume orders, you might need a plan with more advanced features like custom reports and better shipping rates. Evaluate your business model and choose a plan that fits your growth expectations.

SEO Considerations During Migration

SEO Considerations During Migration

Preserving URL Structure

One of the most critical steps in the migration process is keeping your URL structure as close to the original as possible. Changing your URLs without careful planning can cause a significant drop in search rankings. Shopify’s platform has its URL structure, so if changes are needed, ensure they’re minimal. Where changes are inevitable, configure URL redirects to maintain traffic and authority.

Setting Up 301 Redirects

301 redirects are your best friend when migrating to a new platform. These ensure that any old URLs point visitors—and search engines—to the correct new pages on your Shopify site. Not only do they prevent frustrating 404 errors, but they also help preserve your SEO ranking. Shopify makes it easy to set up 301 redirects manually through the dashboard or with apps that streamline the process.

Meta Tags, Headings and Alt Text

Migrating to Shopify doesn’t mean leaving your SEO work behind. You’ll want to ensure that your page titles, meta descriptions, and alt text are carried over correctly. Shopify provides built-in tools to edit and optimize these elements, making it easy to keep your SEO game strong. Pay special attention to H1 tags and other headings to properly format them during the transfer.

Preserving Content Quality

Your content is key to keeping customers engaged and maintaining SEO rankings. Ensure all your text, product descriptions, and images make it through the migration without losing their quality. Shopify also offers a simple-to-use blogging platform. You can continue publishing content regularly to support your SEO efforts and drive traffic long after the migration.

Shopify Theme Selection and Customization

Choosing an SEO-Friendly Shopify Theme

When picking a theme for your printing shop, SEO and user experience should be at the top of your checklist. Look for lightweight themes with fast load times, as page speed impacts rankings and conversions. Mobile responsiveness is also essential since more customers are shopping from their phones. Make sure the theme allows for easy customization so you can tailor it to your brand.

Some great SEO-friendly and eCommerce-focused themes for print shops include Debut, Turbo, and Warehouse. These themes balance flexibility and performance, making them solid choices for print businesses of any size.

Customizing Your Theme

Once you’ve selected your theme, customize it to match your brand’s look and feel. This includes updating colors, logos, and fonts. Be mindful not to add too many heavy customizations that could slow down your site.

Product pages should be highly configurable for printing shops. Shopify offers options for product personalization, such as allowing customers to upload images, select paper types, or add special finishes. Make sure your theme supports these features while maintaining a clean design and fast load times.

Lastly, your theme must be fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to different devices. Google places high importance on mobile-friendly sites, so ensuring your design works across all screen sizes helps avoid penalties and keeps customers engaged.

Handling Product and Inventory Migration

Migrating Product Data

Migrating your web-to-print ecommerce product data to Shopify starts by exporting all relevant information from your current platform, usually via CSV files. This includes product titles, descriptions, prices, images, SKUs, and variations. Shopify makes it easy to import this data, but be prepared to check for common issues, like missing product variations or images that don’t transfer properly. Double-check all fields when uploading to ensure everything appears as expected on your new site.

Handling Printing-Specific Products

Printing shops often require more customization options than standard products. Shopify allows you to set up customizable and print-on-demand products, but you may need apps to manage these more complex orders. Apps like Printful, CustomCat, and TeeLaunch can help you streamline print orders and product personalization. You can also explore tools for real-time shipping calculators or apps designed to manage multiple product options, making it easier for customers to personalize their orders without overwhelming your backend.

Integrating Payment and Shipping Options

Setting Up Payment Gateways

Shopify offers a variety of payment gateway options, making it easy to find one that fits your printing business. You can use Shopify Payments for a streamlined setup or integrate third-party gateways like PayPal or Stripe if those are more familiar to your customers. Choose a payment gateway that offers low fees and wide acceptance, helping reduce friction during checkout. If you’re transitioning from an existing payment provider, Shopify allows you to connect it to your store to ensure a seamless customer payment experience.

Configuring Shipping Settings

Shipping can vary greatly for printing shops depending on each order's size, weight, and volume. Shopify’s native shipping tools allow you to set up custom shipping rates based on these factors. You can also offer real-time carrier rates or free shipping for certain orders.

To automate and optimize the shipping process, consider apps like ShipStation or Shippo, which integrate directly with Shopify. These tools can help you manage multiple carriers, generate labels, and track orders, reducing errors and speeding up fulfillment.

Post-Migration: Testing and SEO Monitoring

Testing Your New Shopify Store

Once your printing shop is fully migrated to Shopify, thorough testing is essential to ensure everything works as expected. Start by testing key functionalities like product pages, cart actions, and checkout. Make sure customers can easily navigate through each step without encountering issues.

Also, check your site's responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes. Test for mobile friendliness and ensure your page loading times are quick. Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights can help identify any slow areas that might need improvement.

Monitoring SEO Performance Post-Migration

After the SEO website migration, monitoring your performance to catch any potential drops in traffic or rankings is crucial. Use Google Search Console to track your indexed pages, check for crawl errors, and monitor any shifts in keyword rankings. Shopify’s built-in analytics can also help you monitor site performance and user behavior.

If you see a dip in rankings or traffic, revisit important SEO elements like meta tags, page titles, and site speed. Also, double-check for any broken links that might have been missed during migration.

Submit Sitemap and Reindex Your Site

Submit an updated XML sitemap via Google Search Console to help Google recognize your new Shopify site quickly. This will guide search engines through your site’s structure and ensure all your new pages are indexed. Reindexing your site is critical to ensure your new Shopify store shows up accurately in search results, helping you retain or even boost your previous rankings.


Tips for a Smooth Migration

Avoiding Downtime During Migration

To minimize disruption, plan your migration during off-peak hours when traffic to your site is lower. This reduces the impact on sales and user experience. Consider using a staging environment to build and test your Shopify store before it goes live. This lets you iron out any issues without affecting your current site’s performance. Once everything is ready, you can quickly switch to the new site, minimizing downtime.

Communicating with Customers

Keeping your customers in the loop during migration is key to maintaining trust. Email newsletters, social media posts, and on-site banners are used to notify users of potential service interruptions. Let them know what’s changing and when they can expect full functionality. Transparency keeps them engaged and reduces confusion, especially for brief outages or service delays.

Leveraging Shopify Apps for Growth

Once your new Shopify store is up and running, explore the platform’s wide range of apps to help grow your printing business. Tools like SEO Manager and Plug-in SEO can help you fine-tune your site’s search visibility. For order customization, apps like Infinite Options and LiveArt Product Designer are excellent for managing complex print orders. You can also boost your marketing efforts with apps like Klaviyo for email automation, Privy for pop-ups, and abandoned cart recovery. These tools will help streamline operations and drive growth as your business scales.


Migrating your printing shop to Shopify can open up new growth opportunities, but it requires meticulous planning to avoid losing valuable traffic, rankings, and customer trust. You can make the transition seamless with website migration SEO services, carefully handling product data, and ensuring a smooth customer experience. Don't rush the process—each step, from choosing the right theme to monitoring SEO post-launch, plays a critical role in your store's success.

If you're unsure or need extra support, consider contacting our experts, who can guide you through the process and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Author Info

Kateryna Poliakova
Having worked as a marketer for 8 years, Kateryna is an expert in her field. Starting as an SEO expert, she has learned a lot about content marketing and web promotion. As a key part of LiveArt team, Kateryna leverages her adept writing and strategic knowledge to shape and enhance the W2P content.
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