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LiveArt HTML5 v0.8 Released! Learn What's Inside Brand New Non-Flash Online Product Design from LiveArt

Volodymyr Yatsevsky posted on May 2, 2013

Our team released first version of HTML/JS based online product designer software. Unlike other components and solutions, LiveArt HTML5 was developed with mobile user friendliness first in mind. Most of our QA sessions were conducted with various tablet devices including popular models based in Android and iOS. The general concept of the application is simple - people wouldn't need to install an application from AppStore or experience inconvenience because their iPad does not support Flash. In order to order a personalized t-shirt, for example, they can launch the app it directly from website page and continue surfing while their order is being processed.


  • No Flash, no install needed. The software uses well-known stack of technologies;
  • Modify the design of the software yourself;
  • Integrate with website or shopping cart of your choice. Contact us for preferred integration vendor;
  • Target mobile users. While you still can drag text design around with desktop PC mouse, tablet users would additionally benefit from two-fingers gestures — resize and rotate. Just like in any other game or app!


The application is both friendly to users and developers, who might like to change the functionality or extend with additional features, tailoring it for specific products or user flow. Despite the core functionality of LiveArt HTML5 is protected and available only to holders of Complete Source Code License, normal license allows simple customizations like:

  • Customize own labels, icons, buttons and messages in main HTML;
  • Change colors or layout with Bootstrap CSS;
  • Plug in additional functionality through Knockout model controller;
  • Use static JSON data structure or plug in designer into website and connect to the SQL database;

Powered with outstanding libraries and known frameworks (JQuery, Bootstrap, Knockout, SVG), LiveArt HTML5 is the next level of open source online product designer apps you might want to have for your business.